Chica Logo as designed by Andrea Barras

Let's Make 2018 The Feel Good Year !

A blessed and beautiful 2018 to you and your families CHICAs!  We have yet another chance to start a new, clean page to re-write our stories, let's make it good!

I was browsing through the CHICA Relationship section (HERE)  and realized that most of the stories we shared are sad. I wondered why we don't get a lot of the feel good stories? Is it because we are worried people will perceive that as bragging?

I really wish to hear more stories about love, friendship and just great stories of the little wins we don't often acknowledge. Last week I asked people on twitter about how they met their Bae's and it was really refreshing and funny to read the stories.. just shows how much more fun life could be if we just lived without inhibitions. Some of the relationships ended but it's really amazing that people can still laugh and smile when they think about how they met their exes. I like that.

Below I've shared some of my favourite stories and I hope to hear more feel good stories"


And there's a whole lot of other beautiful stories, so you can check them out HERE. Share yours and send any other feel good stories to us, click HERE for how.

I look forward to even greater interactions in 2018! May it be a blessed and love filled one for us all!



9 comments on “Let's Make 2018 The Feel Good Year !”

  1. Hey Lelo and Chicas:) a happy New year to you all and all the best for 2018,
    Here's to a beautiful and year filled with Great news,
    Can we do a get together sometime, I miss fun and laughter in my life..Lelo please make it happen.

  2. Hey Chicas & Lelo. I never wanna tell anyone when im happy. im very supersticious and i feel like, if i compliment the relationship too much, it'll bring inn bad energy and something bad will happen.

  3. Hi Lelo & Chicas *kisses* I know what you mean NoxyPe but the truth is, that on its own is bad energy. Be open about your happiness, you'll be surprised at how many people you make happy by just being that. I was also like you but you know what, I'm learning to live in the moment (responsibly though) and allow myself to be happy

    1. This is true... about making people happy just sharing your happy. I think my obsession with happy couples was because I didn't have that for myself so would obsess over them just to kind of experience a bit of their joy. Cheers to living in the moment!

  4. I went through that Twitter thread and I laughed and gasped like a crazy person while reading those tweets. It was funny and heart warming. Wish I could see more of those

  5. I thoroughly loved reading the thread too, beautiful past and current love tales. I am mesmerised by love -everything I do is from a place of love and empathy. Pisces girl here!

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