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Avoiding Career Limiting Moves

Making sure we are not making career limiting moves

Navigating life is one tough task. Managing relationships and expectation of others while still taking care of your own needs and wants is both exciting and terrifying. One thing I have realised is that it makes it a tad bit easier doing all of this with the help of a mentor or even a series of conversations with people who have more experience than you do in any subject matter that speaks to LIFE in general.

At 27, I genuinely cannot boldly say that I have my career aspirations and dreams figured out. I do however know that I intend to make an impact that is everlasting, leaving those that come after me sipping from the fountain of trust and knowledge I hope to continue to gain along the way.

Career Limiting Moves

While still learning, I am a fan of making sure that I do not repeat mistakes that could potentially “limit” my chances in climbing the ladder. Such moves are considered “career limiting”. Having read an article on this topic on the Work it Daily site, I felt I should share, just so that we are all give our best in this career slaying thing you know? Let’s give more thought to our daily actions when it comes to our work than just the daily “to-do list”.

  1. The lack of real insight or thought

The impact of this leads to situations that exist purely based on the fact some people fail to pay attention to how things work and their own behaviour. I have always been an advocate of the question “Why?”. It helps us understand why we do what we do, therefore giving our tasks more meaning.

  1. Chronic absence or tardiness

If you are absent too much or late too much, you won’t be going anywhere because YOU are undependable.

  1. Refuse to admit you made a mistake

We all make them. We’re supposed to learn from them. When you don’t admit a mistake, we not only know you’re clueless, we kind of expect you to repeat it.

  1. “It’s not my job” mentality

This one can get tricky. It’s always a good move to make sure that you set boundaries and limits in your work space. What you don’t want to do is be the person who constantly cannot help with something outside of their job scope. You are seen as not being a team player and you know how we frown upon those. If you have the time or capability, try and help out.

  1. Resistance to change

Change is constant; whether in our personal lives or careers. If ever you are seen as the person who never wants to try a new method or idea, you may be viewed as “negative”. Things will not always work out but they are definitely worth the shot. Right? 

Someone is always watching

Whether we notice it or not, someone is always watching. Sometimes it is someone we least expect to have even noticed us breathing. Those are the people who will stand up for you and make sure that you get the recognition you deserve. The type pf recognition can be an increase, a promotion or a new jo offer which you did not even apply for.

Sometimes, it's in the little things we do, that make us shine. Always give it your best shot.

What tips can you share with other Chica’s who wish to make a great impact in their careers? Let’s chat!

By Keagi

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